Really Really Bad

index -- archive -- info


the site: this is a personal music site called Really Really Bad. it was created on April 26th, 2023. it is run by me. new songs most Mondays, new blogs occasional Thursdays.

the me: i like listening to, thinking about, and creating music. off the clock, i like minty lemonade, mass market paperbacks, and bison too.

Bison bison Waterton Lakes 2


bison - source
code help, 2-column layout - W3Schools
site button - hekate2
blog randomizer - JavaScript Kit
favicon -

header font - Trattatello
homepage font - Verdana
blog font - Arial
favicon font - IM Fell DW Pica SC
site colors - blues #d5dfe5 + #a6bcc9, greens #567568 + #374e31